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CrossFit Moncton


March 21, 2011

1000 and counting

This is the 1000th post for CrossFit Moncton. That's a whole lot of workouts and a ton of information. Also, there's been scores of people that have walked through the door. Some have come and gone. Many have stayed. All have left a memorable impression on me.I was called foolish for leaving behind a secure teaching position to start my own business, but it's one of the best decisions I ever made. I'm grateful to have met all of you and continue to have fun every day. I could not imagine a better way to spend my days than training people to become better at life.Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to making another 1000 posts for your pleasure!21-15-9 repsSDHP (95/65#)Overhead Squats (95/65#)Main site WOD - Feb.26/11[caption id="attachment_4543" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Marcel snatch is full of power!"]


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