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CrossFit Moncton


December 24, 2019

12 Days of Christmas

2 classes today. One at 10:30am, the other at 12pm. We have them slotted for 1.5 hours because of the size of the classes. You perform the workout as you would sing the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”: Round 1 is 1 pullup; round 2 is 2 pushups and 1 pullup; round 3 is 3 tuck jumps, 2 pushups and 1 pullup, etc.Because of the space and size of class, we will run this in 2 groups. There is a 20 min cap.1 – Pullup in a pear tree2 – Pushups3 – Tuck jumps4 – Dips5 – Golden squats6 – Burpees7 – Lunges8 – Mountain climbers9 – Good mornings10 – Box jumps11 – Situps12 – Wall BallsCompare to Dec.23/17

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