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CrossFit Moncton


December 23, 2021

12 Days of Christmas

You perform the workout as you would sing the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”: Round 1 is 1 Devil's Press; round 2 is 2 pushups and 1 Devil's Press; round 3 is 3 tuck jumps, 2 pushups and 1 Devil's Press, etc.

1 – Devil's Press
2 – Pushups
3 – Tuck jumps
4 – DB HPC
5 – Golden Squats
6 – Burpees
7 –Mountain Climbers (2-ct)
8 - Renegade Rows
9 – Good Mornings
10 – Box Jumps
11 – Situps
12 – Alt. DB Snatches

Family <3

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