-Please register for a heat in Zen Planner BEFORE 12pm.-First heat starts at 4pm. It will go every 25 minutes (20 min cap + 5 min transition) unless an entire heat finishes early.-If you don't think you can complete the workout under 20 minutes, please attempt it during a regular class today or an Open Gym on the weekend. -Once the heats are complete tonight, we ask that you leave so we can transform the gym into a banquet hall. -Banquet hall doors will open at 8:30pm. If you're brining a +1, please bring $5 if you haven't already paid. 10 rounds for time of:9 thrusters35 double-undersMen use 95 lb.Women use 65 lb.*20 min capWe have Kini Wellness sponsoring tonight's event! I have 2 free float sessions to give away. BUT, you have to be present to win at 7:20. Please watch the standards video.[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjABpCst-Us]