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CrossFit Moncton


May 28, 2014

800 meters are the best amount of meters

Some of the morning folk may have noticed a slight change on the calendar. The Lab sessions are now starting at 7:30am to allow a full hour of strength/skill work. We hope this change will better serve your goals.*Also, tomorrow is re-test day for the Clean and Jerk. Hope to see many of you in for that. Strength/Skill - Snatch Balance 10 x 1 repThis can be done as either a strength or a skill. Drill it into your body to land quickly under the bar. That doesn't require much weight to do so. Some of you will stick with a bar the whole time, while others may increase as they go. It all depends on your goal.3 x 800m*Rest exactly 2 minutes between rounds. Score is total time to complete all runs.


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