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CrossFit Moncton


September 21, 2010

A few reminders

Paleo Challenge deadline is this Saturday. If you need a book, bring $25. No book is $10. There will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, Sept.28 at 7:30pm at the gym. This Sunday at 9am is the Fight Gone Bad fundraiser. Please sign-up on the whiteboard. If you're going to the football events, you can certainly go in the first heat. It's a minimum of $10 to participate. If you bring in the most money though, you will win a free months membership!!A few of us have been going to the Beausejour Gymnastics Club on Tuesday's to work on a few things and play around. The drop-in is from 8:30-10pm. It's $25 for your annual insurance and $7.50 for each drop-in. Feel free to join us tonight!4 rounds of:10 Handstand Pushups50 Double UndersAnd take some time to watch this short clip on safety at the gym...[vimeo=]

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