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CrossFit Moncton


May 10, 2016


Are you tired of cooking? Or trying to find new, healthy recipes? We have the answer.We are VERY excited to be able to offer pre-ordered meals-to-go at CrossFit Moncton! We have our very own chef, Breanna Richard, taking weekly orders for some healthy, packaged meals that you can pick up RIGHT at the gym. Here’s how it works:Thursday to Sunday - bring in your cash and fill out the order form at the gym. Order as many servings as you’d like.Wednesday - pick up your meals and enjoy them!There will be 3 options per week and new options will be made available every 2 weeks.By the way, I’ve tried some of Bre’s meals this week and they were AH-mazing!Here are this week’s options: -Asian pulled pork $8 -Tomato soup $5 -Chili $8 *every serving is 2 cupsWe hope this saves you some time at home so you can enjoy more time with your family.We have a special wod for today. We will have a collection bin out for anyone that would like to donate. We will give 100% of the money raised to the Red Cross. The workout and description below come from the owner of CrossFit Crude in Fort McMurray.Deadlifts x54 sets @ 70%

"Fort McMurray" For time: 80 Burpees*in honour of the 80+ thousand residents who evacuated the city this week. Also, the burpee symbolizes being knocked down but getting back up. Over and over again. Every burpee you do is a symbol of all of us up in Fort Mac who just got knocked down by this horrific natural disaster...but we are resilient. We are ‪#‎albertastrong‬ and WE ARE BANDING TOGETHER AND WILL GET BACK UP! 

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