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CrossFit Moncton


November 28, 2020


For those that haven't tested, you'll get to do one of the following:3 rounds of:1 min Wall Balls (14/10# @ 10/9′)1 min Russian KBS (35/20#)1 min Box Steps (20/16″)1 min DB Push Press (25/15#)1 min Down Ups1 min Rest3 rounds of:1 min Wall Balls (20/14# @ 10/9′)1 min Hang Power Clean (75/55#)1 min Box JUMPS (24/20″ with step down)1 min Push Press (75/55#)1 min Burpees1 min RestIf previously tested, you'll get to do this fun version!3 rounds of:1 min Thrusters (65/45#)1 min HR Pushups1 min (Hang) Power Snatch (65/45#)1 min AbMat Situps1 min (Hang) Power Cleans (65/45#)1 min RestSylvie

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