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CrossFit Moncton


June 24, 2011


This week, we're averaging well over 1000 hits a day. I know a lot of members hit the refresh button often, but in those thousands, there are a lot of people that have never stepped inside the walls of CrossFit Moncton. Just looking at the workouts can be scary, but not everyone starts with doing things as prescribed. For instance, today we have 24 inch box jumps. That can be scaled to as low as 1 inch. And the best part of CrossFit Moncton - it doesn't matter if you're jumping onto a 1 inch plate or a 24 inch box, everyone is going to cheer and encourage you either way.Here is today's question of the day for current members. Hopefully it will help ease the nerves or reduce the anxiety that potential members may have.

In your own words, describe the atmosphere at CrossFit Moncton.

If you've never been in to try CrossFit Moncton, please read through the comments.AMRAP in 12 min15 SDHP (65/45#)20 Box Jumps (24/20")30 Double Unders[caption id="attachment_4980" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ron's second class and he's already ripping it up"]


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