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CrossFit Moncton


August 16, 2008

August 16 workout

If you were at the workout on Thursday, I know you're having a hard time walking today. That's ok. I feel your pain. However, don't let that stop you from joining us today. I promise you, the WOD is not focused on the legs, so they will get a break.We'll be playing with the medicine balls today, and I'm going to leave the WOD as a surprise.And if anyone is interested, Jeanette and I are going to the track in Dieppe at 9am to test our 400m sprint times. Feel free to join us. We're going to see if we could have got Canada a medal ;)We did a 400m sprint, a really fun medicine ball race in pairs, and the surprise WOD.It was 50,40,30,20,10 of Burpees and Situps.And thanks for the Watermelon Man (Sean) for the treat today!

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