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CrossFit Moncton


March 31, 2014

Change for Change

Today is Change for Change. Bring in $5 if you'd like to switch up your workout. With the Open all wrapped up, it's time to reflect. Here are some questions you should think about:-What were my strengths and weaknesses?-What did I learn about strategy?-What do I need to start working on...right now?As I mentioned at the post-Games party, I want to thank all the judges and volunteers that helped each week. Pulling off five weeks of events would not have happened without you.I'm very proud of all the athletes that competed, pushing their limits and finding out that they can do things they never thought possible. I lost track after the first week on how many PRs there were. Your drive, dedication and heart poured out, literally and figuratively. You made all your coaches proud.Get some rest, train smart, and see you at the gym."Asphyxiation"3-6-9-12-15 repsBack Squats (135/95#)Burpees20 Double UndersCompare to April 4/12."Jackie, one of our Masters athletes, mentally prepares before 14.5"

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