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CrossFit Moncton


June 28, 2012

Cleaning Lesson

Tomorrow is Change For Change! Bring $5 to switch up your workout.AMRAP in 14 minutes7 Deadlifts7 Hang Squat Cleans7 Push JerksWeight is 60% of your clean or jerk (the lesser of the two)Every round must be unbroken. If the bar rests on the ground, you must start that round over.Compare to Dec.8/10Clean Lesson: One common violation in the clean is pulling to early with the arms, as shown below. Trying to 'muscle' the bar up with your arms will limit your ability to clean a maximal load. Adding more weight to your clean will not improve it. You must practice this with lower weights to burn it into your muscle memory. Need some extra help? Try our new Olympic Lifting class every Tuesday night at 6:30!Darrell is keeping his arms more straight on the pull.

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