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CrossFit Moncton


November 17, 2014

Complex Monday

Build up to WOD weight for deadliftsPractice the other movements5 roundsIn 3 minutes, complete 7 Deadlifts (315/225#/heavy) and 50 Double Unders (100 Singles)With the remaining time, max reps of each movement per round.Round 1 - KBS (50/35#)Round 2 - PistolsRound 3 - 2-handed KB CleanRound 4 - BurpeesRound 5 - KB Push Jerk (alt. every 5)*3 min rest after every round*score is total reps (not including DL + skipping)[caption id="attachment_16440" align="alignnone" width="630"]

A happy member of CFM

A happy member of CFM[/caption]

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