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CrossFit Moncton


March 22, 2020


It's been almost a week since the gym closed down. We have trainers making daily posts on the FB group, and shockingly, it's getting more comments than the website! Happy to see so much engagement. I just added the 125th person to online training. If I get one more, I'll have to bump it up to the next level with TrueCoach. Speaking of, if you know someone that is looking for some bodyweight training at home, referrals are welcome!We're starting to build forts on the home-front. We told Holly she could turn her room into a fort today. We will see how that turns out. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm going to watch Step Brothers with that nice lady in the office. I'll try to play it cool. This is Captain Kevin Wood of the USS CrossFit Moncton.Over and out.

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