A lot of people did Murph already - totally awesome! It was posted in TrueCoach, and I didn't have the foresight to change it given the news we received.We still plan on doing it on Friday when we're expected to open. So if you've done it already, I'd kindly ask that you free up a spot on Friday for someone that hasn't done it yet.If you missed the news last night, YQM owner, Matt Bourque was interviewed. Very well done, and the invitation to any government official still stands - come see our facilities and tell us why we're a danger to public safety.https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/n-b-businesses-wonder-what-covid-19-outbreak-means-for-them-1.4961941The fight isn't over.This is Captain Kevin Wood of the USS CrossFit Moncton.Over and out.