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CrossFit Moncton


August 27, 2014

Death by what?!

There will be no individual warm-up today. Come prepare to move at the beginning of each class. Split Jerk - build up to a heavy singleOn the minute, every minute, complete the following…1 Deadlift (275/185# or 75%) + 1 Burpee1 Deadlift + 2 burpees1 Deadlift + 3 burpeesContinue adding 1 burpee each round until you can not longer complete the work in the one minute round.Compare to Sept.27/13.Here are the results from the first ever Summer League! And MAN was it ever close!1st - Joey, Brian, Elba (30 points)2nd - Mike, Trent, Maria (29 points)3rd - Lance, Jeff, Steph (26 points)4th - Keith, Shane, Alaina (25 points)5th - Mario, Pete, Heather (15 points)Thanks to all those that participated! We hope to have an even bigger crew next time around. [caption id="attachment_15959" align="alignnone" width="630"]

Final summer league WOD

Final summer league WOD[/caption]

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