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CrossFit Moncton


November 24, 2010

Drum roll please...

And the winners are....Brrrrummmm (that's a drum sound)Melanie Philips and Gabriel Caissie!Melanie, always walking through the door with a grin on her face, and eager to improve, showed discipline by only succumbing to her craving on seven occasions. She managed to shave off 7 seconds from her 1km row, while adding 55 reps to her Intro workout. She also packed on 30 pounds to her CrossFit Total.Gabriel, being new to the gym, was expected to show improvement, but no one expected this much. He took 4 seconds off his rowing time, increased his Intro workout by 70 reps and launched his CrossFit Total by 270 pounds! Even more impressive is that he didn't have any cheats other than the delegated cheat meals per week.Both Mel and Gabriel win a month membership at CrossFit Moncton for their outstanding performances.Also, congrats to everyone who took the Challenge. It was not called "Paleo Walk-in-the-Park". It was tough, so to those that stuck it out to the end, congratulations. I hope you all continue eating healthy and share your knowledge and experience with your friends and family.3 rounds30 Kettlebell Swings20 Goblet Squats10 Kettlebell Snatch (5 each arm)"Gerry running faster than light"

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