This can also be called ‘test day’. Some of these have been cashouts, member challenges and complete workouts. Compare your results or set new records. Try some that are weaknesses and crush some that are strengths. You’ll have 25 minutes to complete your chosen tasks.Must do at least at 5 of the following (but no more than 10):In 3 mins, accumulate as much time as possible in a plank20 reverse burpees for timeMax distance row in 50 pullsMax pushups in 2 minsMax rep shoulder press in 2 mins (65/45)25 Burpee Box jumps for time500m Row10 Curtis P’s for timeUnbroken Muscle-upsMax Box Jumps in 60 secMax Pullups in 60 secMax Air Squats in 60 sec1 Mile RunMax Double Unders in 2 minsMax Burpees in 60 secMax Wall balls in 2 mins3 Rope Climbs for time (15′)100m Farmers Carry (70/53/35 Kb in each hand, DO NOT Drop)Max L-Sit Hold (on paralettes)Max Ring Support Hold (top of ring dip)Max Load Weighted Lunge (6 rep)Compare to July 9/16Amanda