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CrossFit Moncton


January 25, 2021

Find something to thrust-er

This rep scheme works its way back up from the 9, to 21 again. Way more fun! This means you need to approach it differently than a traditional 21-15-9. Move smooth & steady through the burpees - don't stop moving for all these sets. After the burpees, take a few deep breaths before starting thrusters. Weight should be light enough to do 21 unbroken, but heavy enough to be uncomfortable. Break the Thrusters into no more than 2 sets, if legs are too fatigued. Stay consistent with movement & pace throughout the workout.

OBJECT: Barbell, Dumbbells, or Kettlebells (if available) for the thrusters -- or non- conventional equipment: a sandbag, loaded backpack, 2 Water jugs (or anything with handles). Get creative!

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