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CrossFit Moncton


May 27, 2016

Friday's QOD

Would you be willing to eat a bowl of crickets for $40,000?Clean and Jerk x260-65-70-70-70%20 Air Squats20 Double Unders (3x singles)10 Clean and Jerks (155/115#/65%)30 Air Squats30 Double Unders10 Clean and Jerks40 Air Squats40 Double Unders10 Clean and JerksLooks long, but it's deceiving. The majority of your time will be spent on the C&J's, as they're pretty heavy. Keep the air squats at a steady, but quick pace. The skipping should be unbroken (if possible). And try to touch-and-go a few reps for each set of the C&J's. I'm predicting fast times will be around the 8 min mark.Amanda

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