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CrossFit Moncton


January 2, 2015

Friday's QOD

Here are some comments I see posted often - "I need to work on _____" or "Gotta practice _____ more". Many times, those are just hopes and dreams. Rarely do those comments turn into action. Maybe it's because you don't know where to start. Or maybe there are just SO many things you need to work on that it's overwhelming.Talk to a coach. We can help you narrow down your goals and come up with an action plan. We can provide tips and tricks during class, but if you want to really nail down a weakness, you have to spend extra time doing it. Let us help you focus that time on useful practice.What are your goals for 2015?AMRAP in 20 min:10 C2B Pullups20 Back Squats (95/65#/40%)30 double-unders


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