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CrossFit Moncton


April 20, 2012

Friday's QOD

Would you rather run 5k with a 20# vest or do a Double Fran?This workout has 2 parts.AMRAP 5 minutesPerform 1 Hang Squat Clean, place bar on ground and remove handsPerform 2 Hang Squats Cleans, place bar on ground and remove handsPerform 3 Hang Squat Clean, place bar on ground and remove handsContinue until you reach 5 HSC, then repeat the ladder starting at one.*If you let go of the bar during one of the sets, you must redo that set.Rest 3 minutesMax air squats in 1 minute.Score is total reps completed in the ladder with your total air squats.Compare to July 4/11"Eric on his head"

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