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CrossFit Moncton


March 6, 2020

Friday's QOD

Today, we’re testing Aerobic Power Intervals. It looks like Fight Gone Bad, and it will feel like Fight Gone Bad, but it isn’t.You’ll perform one of the following tests with the required standards:3 rounds of:1 min Wall Balls (14/10# @ 10/9′)1 min Russian KBS (35/20#)1 min Box Steps (20/16″)1 min DB Push Press (25/15#)1 min Down Ups1 min Rest3 rounds of:1 min Wall Balls (20/14# @ 10/9′)1 min Hang Power Clean (75/55#)1 min Box JUMPS (24/20″ with step down)1 min Push Press (75/55#)1 min Burpees1 min Rest“But what if I can’t even do all the movements in the first one?”-Just like always, we’ll scale movements accordingly. Worry pas. You will still be given credit for the Level Method for ALL the movements you can do to the standard.If previously tested they can do the same format with different moves: 3 rounds of: 1 min of Pushups 1 min of Russian KBS 1 min of Burpees 1 min of Double Unders 1 min of Sit-ups 1 min of Rest

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