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CrossFit Moncton


August 1, 2014

Friday's QOD and Newsletter!

How many CrossFit shirts do you own?Also, check out Angela Sturgeon on this month's newsletter!AND, it's the beginning of Hero's Month. There's also an article outlining the meaning of Hero WODs. A fellow Canadian…For time:10 Handstand push-ups15 Deadlift (250/175#)25 Box jumps, 30 inch box50 Pull-ups100 Wallball shots (20/14#)200 Double-undersRun 400 meters with a 45/25# plate*40 min capCompare to Aug.8/13.Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009.

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