With 14.5 being a timed event (not an AMRAP), we are unable to create heat lists (thanks Dave Castro). So this last Games WOD will be run a little differently. Please read carefully. The gym will be open from 3:15pm until 8:45pm. We will have 10 lanes set up. You need to find a buddy (not necessarily a judge) to judge you for the workout. It is a first come, first serve basis for the lanes. If you know it's going to take you a while to complete, show up as early as possible. If the weight of the workout is an issue, feel free to scale it down.Then it's off to Mexi's for 9pm!!Strength - 5RM Floor PressWith a 10 minute time cap, accumulate as much time as possible in a plank.Compare to June 21/12.[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77dMnpB2ICE]