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CrossFit Moncton


September 18, 2009

Getting ripped

There is now a 4:15pm time slot available to members (starting Sept.22). Please check the registration site to book your sessions. Be aware that some people will change their reservations, which may open up slots for the 5:30 and 6:30 sessions. Also, Pierre will be taking over some of my sessions while I'm in Toronto for the Level 2 certification. Classes will be disrupted for a portion of that week (Oct. 6-10), but I appreciate your understanding that not all of the classes will be offered. If you have any questions, let me know -“The Bear Complex”7 sets of the following sequence:Power CleanFront SquatPush PressBack SquatPush PressComplete 5 rounds. Rest as needed between rounds. Go for max load.Rules: No resting on the ground (even to re-grip)Jerking is allowed.Can’t receive the clean in a squat and then directly overhead…must stand first, then front squat.Bear Complex Demo from CrossFit One World[caption id="attachment_1924" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Jane and MC won't be giving high-5's anytime soon"]

Jane and MC won't be giving high-5's anytime soon

[/caption]What is your goal for 2009? Is it CrossFit related? Maybe you already reached your goal. If so, have you set a new one yet? Please share your comments below.

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