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CrossFit Moncton


December 9, 2009


Row 1000m for timeSome people have noticed the new, smaller whiteboard in the gym. It has a list of every member at the gym on it. Pat asked what it was for; I smiled. He didn't like the looks of that.It's nothing more than a goal board. Every member will be required to write down a goal before the new year begins. Why? Can you imagine going to a shooting range for target practice, but not having a target. Kind of pointless, isn't it?So what could you goal be? Something performance based like getting your first pullup, or reaching a 200# deadlift. It could be heath based, like losing a certain percentage of body fat or dropping inches (no weight goals's not a measure of health).When will you work on it? If it's a skill or performance based, days like today are perfect! The workout is short enough that it will give you plenty of practice time.Why does it need to be written? When you write your goals down, it gives worth and value to your workouts. It gives you a reason to come every day. It makes you accountable.So please, take some time to think about a goal. It needs to be specific with a date (short term) you plan on attaining it.[caption id="attachment_2350" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Double unders will certainly be goals for some people"]


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