What a great day! It was such an awesome event put together by Gillyon. We couldn't be more proud to have her as a member of our community. Big thanks to everyone who helped out in any way.Amazing job to all those that raised money for Crossroads. The grand total was $2196.50. UNREAL!And something I'm even more blown away by, is that some of our newest members stepped up to the plate. Jill, Monica, Melissa and Amy (and some have been to less than 12 classes!) showed the great spirit of CrossFit!Thanks to all the spectators for coming out to cheer on your family and friends. Can't wait to do it all again next year!Come in between 10am and 12pm to work on a strength, a skill and/or the workout of the day. Please register online for the class.4 rounds10 Overhead Lunges (45/25#)10 Toes to Bar
Compare to April 5/12.
[caption id="attachment_8036" align="alignnone" width="300"]
Big crowd for an awesome event[/caption]