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CrossFit Moncton


August 12, 2013

In loving memory...

I met Marc for the first time on January 31st, 2009 - New Years Eve at his basement apartment. I had no plans that night and Pierre invited to join him. When I walked through the door, I was greeted by a burly young man with his hand outstretched. After a firm handshake and a warm hello, I felt at home. He introduced me to everyone at the party and made me feel welcomed. This was a trait that carried with him for the length of time that I knew him.February 1st, Marc started his Fundamentals. He was a natural and did it in 2 sessions. After giving him is login information for the site, he told me he couldn't wait for his first class. A few days later, on February 4th, he was registered for the 6:30pm class - and he was the ONLY person in it. It didn't matter to him. He was bouncing off the walls with excitement. He even posted his results on his first day.That passion for CrossFit stuck with him. On Dec.18th, 2010, Marc traveled to Boston to take his CrossFit Level 1 certification. And so began his career as a CrossFit Coach.Members at the gym always looked forward to having him as a coach. They knew they would be watched, supported, corrected, encouraged and loved. He embodied the values of CrossFit and passed it down to anyone that would listen (and sometimes to those who didn't want to listen).Marc was always there to help. Jo and I would come back from a trip, only to find out Marc cleaned the whole gym - just because. He was a selfless leader. Which is why I chose him to stand by me at the alter when I married my wife. I knew he would have my back no matter what happened. He was a true friend.Marc, if you are looking down, I'm sorry. I feel so bad for losing touch with you over the last year. I love you like a brother. I will do everything in my power to make sure your spirit lives on in this world. Your spirit will live on within me. It will live on within every person you ever knew. Thank you for all you've done.Join us today in honouring the life of Marc Hebert. The gym is open to EVERYONE tomorrow. CrossFitters, friends, family, anyone that knew Marc are all welcome. We will be there from 6-9:30am and 3:15-7:30pm."Marc"21-15-9 reps of:BurpeesSitupsPullups


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