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CrossFit Moncton


January 14, 2014


What I saw in my classes yesterday was nothing short of awesome! Both in the front squats and the beep test. The drive you gave was remarkable. That's what I want you to bring to each and every workout. Push for 1 more round, 1 more rep. Bring the intensity!EMOTM for 9 min0-3min - 5 Clean and Jerk4-6min - 4 Clean and Jerk7-9min - 3 Clean and Jerk*increase weight as neededWOD30 Front SquatsThen, 9-6-3 repsJerks (155/105/65%)Bar Muscle-ups (or 18-12-6 dips)[caption id="attachment_13170" align="alignnone" width="630"]

The great race - father vs son

The great race - father vs son[/caption]

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