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CrossFit Moncton


August 9, 2010

Intro WOD

Today, you get to see how you've progressed since your initial day of CrossFit. For some of you, this will be the first time you've repeated a workout since you joined. If you don't remember your score, I have it recorded. It's going to be awesome to see how far you've come. And it will be A LONG WAY! Congratulations in advance, because I know you're all going to crush it!AMRAP in 10 minutes5 Pushups10 Situps15 SquatsImmediately following the workout, we will have an AMSAP (as much stretching as possible) in 8 minutes of stretching and mobility."Congrats to Heather, Gabrielle, Joanna and Kevin for passing their Level 1 Certification!"

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