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CrossFit Moncton


July 2, 2019

It's Ladies Month!

For the new folks, July is Ladies Month! CrossFit has taken some of their infamous workouts and named them after ladies. After all, anything that leaves you laying on your ass in a pile of your own sweat deserves to be named after a lady.CLICK HERE to see a list of them.Some of the ladies are named after real women, like ANNIE, EVA and NICOLE.They are great to use a benchmarks to help measure your progress over time. Each time you do it, you can see how you’ve improved. Or, they could make you very aware of some weaknesses you may have.What’s your favorite lady?Power Cleans x25 sets building to 80%Power Elizabeth21-15-9 reps of:Power Cleans (135/95# or 65%)Ring dipsCompare to Feb.26/19Normally, Elizabeth is performed with squat cleans. Today we are doing the power version (landing above a squat). While similar in nature, the stimulus is completely different. How much quicker can you complete “Power Elizabeth”? We will find out today.Can you find 3 of our ladies from the Level 1 picture from last weekend? By the way, they all passed!

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