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CrossFit Moncton


July 31, 2009

It's official

I'm taking a year off teaching. This is a large, and scary step, but I have a lot of great people supporting me. I'm hoping this will allow me to put more time and energy into the gym, making it a better place to come and train.With that being said, Crossfit Moncton Prices will be going up on September 1st, 2009. If you're a current member by the End of August, your membership price will stay the same for the rest of your time here at CrossFit Moncton, as long as you stay an active member. This is our way of saying thank you.If you or someone you know is thinking about joining Crossfit Moncton, then get into Crossfit Moncton and lock in your price NOW!!!"Intro WOD"As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:5 pushups10 situps15 squats[vimeo=]

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