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CrossFit Moncton


December 22, 2013

Jenn's Story

Regular classes are still on for this morning, but CROSSFIT KIDS IS CANCELED for this afternoon.I’m proud to say that I’ve been an athlete my entire life, since the day I was coordinated enough to run. In my teens I found my calling to play a sport called Rugby. It had everything a girl could ever dream of. I played competitively for college, university, provincial and national teams.Now, every athlete would agree that there’s nothing more depressing than an injury of any sort. Whether it can be physically seen (like a broken leg) or internal felt (like a concussion or muscle tear) – it’s devastating to put something you love so much on pause to “get healthy.”In 2009, after 20 years of being “injury-free” I experienced something very humbling as a stubborn athlete (one who was in denial of every previous injury). One night, after playing a day of rugby I went to bed (with no pain, seriously) and woke up to mind-blowing painful numbness in my arms. I couldn’t believe it. Being the stubborn athlete that I am, I shook it off and went back to bed. The next day the numbness progressively got worse and it took a good convincing from the Athletic Therapist to get me to go to the Emergency… Soon after, the verdict was in and my back was broken.Three years passed of “ZERO tolerance” for physical activity, numerous appointments with doctors, specialists, and therapists. I went from 150 healthy pounds to 180+ in a blink. I lost my muscle, strength, mobility and became a big ball of nerve damage.Thankfully, after a grand total of 9 MRIs, my awesome Neuro finally cleared me to finally get back on the horse and be an athlete again. [Walks in] CrossFit.Since joining CFM in the fall of 2012 (thanks to knowing Kevin) my life has been complete. I’ve lost 30+lbs with substantial muscle gains, I am physically and mentally stronger than I have ever been, and most importantly, my numbness has gone from a painful “9.9” to an occasional “1.5” tickle. It’s been a constant battle every AMRAP, EMOTM or stupid 5k run to “Be a Stronger Jenn”. That’s my only goal. CrossFit is a huge part of my lifestyle and it’s something that will stay with me for many years to come. Since breaking my back and joining CFM, I’ve achieved more than ever imagined. I ran 5k under 30min (I hate running and previously could never run without my arms going numb), I completed a 18-20k Tough Mudder and I was not only able to play Women’s Rugby again – but I also played Women’s Contact Football the same season. (Boo-ya!)I will never be able to thank Kevin, Jo, M-N & all the trainers at CFM enough for helping me in so many ways. You’re all an inspiration, a pleasure to WOD with and most importantly the key to my successful, safe and healthy rehabilitation. When I look back, I’m thankful for what I’ve experienced rather than bitter… it’s made me who I am today, a smarter athlete, who appreciates her health.Annie’s Twisted Sister10-20-30-40-50 repsPushupsDouble UndersCompare to May 25/13.Then, practice L-sits and Rope Climbs


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