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CrossFit Moncton


February 11, 2015

Journal Etiquette

You – “What weight should I use?”Coach – “Let’s see what you used last time. Oh, it’s not in your journal. Hmm.”Have you had this conversation before? If so, you need to start keeping detailed (and mandatory) records in your journal.Here’s a sampleWrite down the warm-up (any subs), the strength lift and reps and sets, the workout with weights/percents/subs, your results, and how it felt.You can even write what time of day you did the workout, how much sleep you had, your nutrition. The more detail you write, the better chance you have of producing better results. If you know the conditions it takes to hit PR’s, then it’s motivating to continue with those conditions (ie. 9 hours of sleep, etc.).We have a sheet you can use at the gym to keep track of all your PRs on your lifts (makes it easy to check later). These sheets are going to replace the huge PR boards on the wall. (Note your numbers, they'll be coming down later this week)We also have journals for sale that have record sheets built into the back of them. Super-convenient!Push Press x360-65-70-75-80%4 rounds25 Unbroken Wall Balls (20/14# @ 10/9')25 Unbroken Russian KBS (70/50#)*Broken set = 50 Double Unders**15 min cap


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