Check out Alaina in this month's newsletter!Val has been creating the newsletters for the past few months, and will unfortunately be leaving us soon. We'll be looking for a replacement to take over the newsletters. If you have access to a Mac and Pages, and have editing skills, please let us know.For all the Lifestyle Challengers, there will be a Paleo Potluck next Sunday (June 8) at 5pm at the gym. There's a sign-up list at the gym. Going to be a delicious time!Strength - Deadlift 1RMToday we get to put our deadlifts to the test. Not these types of deadlifts. They should more resemble this one. If it doesn't look like the 2nd one, it's not a deadlift. Let's see core bracing, top-down setups, and strong backs today.AMRAP in 108 Deadlifts (225/155# or 60%)16 Burpee over Bar