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CrossFit Moncton


February 16, 2011

Just row harder

Johan asked me if I could get a few volunteers to help out for the Gala Expo he's putting on this weekend. You would be needed from 8-11pm on Friday and Sunday night. The work is physical as you'll be unloading and loading many bridal gowns. To compensate you for your time, Johan will give you admission to the show and ballots to win a free car. I'll also throw in tickets to see the next Hairy Tease play starring Jane Messervier. Let me know today if you're able to help out.No strength - with extra time, feel free to work on a goat.Row 1 minuteRest 1 minuteRow 1 minuteRest 50 secondsRow 1 minuteRest 40 secondsRow 1 minuteRest 30 secondsRow 1 minuteScore is your total distance traveled."Frogger!"

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