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CrossFit Moncton


December 31, 2011

Last day of 2011

2 Dips – 2 Med Ball Cleans4 Dips – 4 Med Ball Cleans6 Dips – 6 Med Ball Cleans8 Dips – 8 Med Ball Cleans10 Dips – 10 Med Ball Cleans8 Dips – 8 Med Ball Cleans6 Dips – 6 Med Ball Cleans4 Dips – 4 Med Ball Cleans2 Dips – 2 Med Ball Cleans*Partner A does 2 Dips, Partner B does 2 Med Ball Cleans …..then switch*Partner A does 2 Med Ball Cleans, Partner B does 2 Dips…….continue this patteren up to 10…then back down to 2then…..60 Wall Ball total – while one partner is doing wall ball the other is holding the bottom of the SQUAT60 Pull ups total – while one partner is doing pull ups the other is holding a PLANK.60 Push ups total – while one partner is doing push ups the other is holding a WALL SIT"An Albert County CrossFitter"

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