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CrossFit Moncton


August 31, 2015

Last Hero

Every August, we honor those that have SERVED AND DIED IN THE LINE OF DUTY. Some of them are fellow Canadians, with our last young Hero of the month coming from Fredericton.The following was a comment on the main site back when it was originally posted.To whom this may concern,In 2008 I had the honour of serving with Colin Wilmot in the province of Kandahar, Afghanistan and it is with mixed feelings of deep regret and much pride that I am requesting he be remembered with his own WOD. I am requesting that the memory of such a warrior serve as motivation to others just as he remains a huge motivation in the lives of those who knew him. On July 6th 2008 Colin was killed by an improvised explosive device during a nightime foot patrol in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province. Colin was a medic from 1 Canadian Field Ambulance, attached as Platoon Medic to the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) Battle Group. He is survived by his fiancée, Laura, father Eric, and his sister Kathleen.Colin embodied the ethos of Crossfit not in the way in which he died but more so in the way in which he chose to live his life . His eulogy, read at the task force memorial, explains that “ He was passionate about being fit as he believed his body would take him into everywhere he needed to go.”Colin was not originally slated for this rotation but was eager to serve. He made it clearly known to the Regimental Sergeant Major that he was eager to get on this tour. “He told me he would give it his all… and he did.” – Chief Warrant Officer Chris Kaye, 1 Canadian Field Ambulance Regimental Sergeant Major.“Throughout the evacuation process, our soldiers and medical personnel fought hard, just as Private Wilmot often did, to save the life of their patient. Sadly, his injuries were too extensive to save him.”– General Denis Thompson, Task Force Afghanistan Commander.Heroes do exist. Colin is one of them.Weighted Ring Rows3 x 5 reps“Wilmot“Six rounds for time of:50 Squats25 Ring dipsCompare to Aug.1/13

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