Warm-up - DO IT.
Bent Over Rows - if you have a weighted implement, use it. If not, move on to the workout. Keep the back flat in a good morning position, and pull the weight up to the body. Keep reps controlled with ZERO body movement.
Thrusters/Goblet Squats - Use the weight if you have it. Something you can do each round unbroken. Barbell would be 95/65# for brown. Scale down from there. If you don't have an object, find one (kitty litter, dog food, etc.)
Russian Twists - Use a plate or odd object. These are 2-count. If you find you have too much rest, slow them down.
Skipping/Penguin jumps - all out for the minute. See how many reps you can get each time.
See you all soon!