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CrossFit Moncton


February 7, 2017

Lessons Learned

So yesterday was fun, right?! Sometimes, life throws curve balls at you. Gotta be ready for them. In CrossFit, we should be training for the unknown. A few people smelled something fishy, but no one caught on. Good! Training within your comfort zone will not lead to changes. The best way to get better is to push yourself harder than you think you can go. Today, you get to try that again, knowing you'll get a full 5 minute break. Give it hard for each 7 minutes. Get uncomfortable. Be better.EMOM for 6Deadlifts x3 @ 75%AMRAP 7 minutes of:7 Burpees7 Kettlebell Swings 70/53*Rest 5 minutes & repeatDiane was a noobie last year. Veteran this year!

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