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CrossFit Moncton


February 17, 2010

Let's talk pullups

We do 30 in the warm-up. Do you kip? Use a band? Wide grip? Narrow grip? Do them on the rings? Strict?One of the pillars of CrossFit is "constantly varied", and your pullups should follow that logic as well.Instead of having a goal of 10 kipping pullups, why not strive for 10 strict pullups? That may mean you need to go back on a band, but developing that strength will help you in the broad scheme of things.Get off the bar and try them on the rings. Harder? You bet! But it will make the bar seem a lot easier down the road.So mix it up and get creative.WOD8 rounds1 minute of Thrusters (135/95#)1 minute of restVIDEO of morning crew taking on this workout[caption id="attachment_2652" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Ring rows are also a great substitute for pullups. Don't be afraid to include them in your warm-up as well."]


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