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CrossFit Moncton


September 23, 2014

Lifestyle Challenge

On October 14 we will be starting an 18 week (yes, you read that right) nutrition/lifestyle challenge. This will by far be our longest running challenge to date and we have lots of new things in store.What:Paleo and Zone based nutrition challenge. Weeks 1-9 we will be sticking to a strict Paleo diet just like our previous Paleo challenges. Weeks 10-18 we will be layering on a Zone diet approach. We will have a pre-challenge meeting to go over Paleo and the challenge outline. There will also be a mid-challenge meeting for participants to go over the Zone diet and changes to the challenge at that point. Our goal here is to get you eating quality foods first and then topping it off with learning what quantity of those foods work best for your body.When:October 14, 2104 - February 17, 2015Who:Anyone who is ready to commit to changing their current eating habits or those who want to fine tune what they are currently doing diet-wise.How:We will have a points based system. This is based on your food quality, sleep, water intake and WOD (or mobility) frequency. You start each day with 7 points. You lose points If you cheat on food, don't get your 8 hours at night, drink less than 2L/day or don't WOD/mobilize.You will have a journal however rather than write down everything you eat for nearly four months, we will ask that you only write down your cheats each day and keep track of your points/day.Accountability:The point system is your accountability. There are a total of 889 points (over 127 days) to be had in the 18 weeks. If you achieve 80% or more adherence, that's a total of 711 points or more totalled at the end of the challenge, you get $100.There is one catch…..Cost:Before you begin the challenge we will collect $100 from you. We will hold this for the 18 weeks. If at the end of the 18 weeks you achieve the 80% adherence mentioned above, we will give you your $100 back. It's that easy. Should you not achieve 80% we won't keep your money to ourselves; it will be put back into the gym to purchase equipment. So really it's a win/win, you either get your $100 back or you get new equipment to play with but we would rather see the $100 back in your pocket.More Details:We will have the pre-challenge meeting Wednesday October 8 at 8pm (note: there will not be an open gym that evening in lieu of the meeting). Sign up with your $100 for accountability by October 10. Mid-challenge meeting will be Wednesday December 10 at 8pm.Benchmark: Each participant is required to complete some physical challenges before October 14th.The benchmarks are:5RM Front Squat (20 min cap)AMRAP in 7 minutes:5 Burpees10 Push Press (65/45#)15 KBS (50/35#)We will be repeating these benchmarks in the middle AND at the end of the Challenge.Scoring for the first half of the challenge:Scoring (per day)4 Points = Perfect Day, no cheats…not even a morsel…3 Points = A tiny little slip up…it’s that little sip or little bite2 Points = A portion of a meal was not Paleo…having a roll or beer with dinner1 Point = A whole meal was not Paleo…beer with dinner & pizza0 Points = More than a whole meal was not PaleoBonus Points+1 = 8+ hours of sleep (lights out sleep, not in bed for 8 hours)+1 = WOD at CFM or 10+ minutes of Mobility work+1 = 2+ liters of water consumed per day

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