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CrossFit Moncton


June 4, 2014

More news!

YOGA - We'll be having a trial run next Monday at 7:45pm. Bring a yoga mat and come loosen up (you know how Monday's are). Based on the demand, we make add it to the regular schedule. First time is free.Lifestyle Challengers - If you would like a mid-way check-in meeting with Kevin, please sign up on the list under the warm-up board. Check-ins will take place this Sunday starting at 9am.Strength - Press 1RMWith 10 min on the clock,Row 750mAMRAP with remaining time:15 Shoulder Press (45/35#)50 Double Unders[caption id="attachment_15595" align="alignnone" width="630"]

What a nice picture of Josh

What a nice picture of Josh[/caption]

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