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CrossFit Moncton


December 31, 2020

New Year WOD

Last workout of the year. Farewell 2020, don't let the door hit you on the way out. 31 reps of Box jump 24/20″ [January]29 reps of Deadlift at 95/65# [February]31 reps of Burpee [March]30 reps of Lunges [April]31 reps of Push press at 95/65# [May]30 reps of RKBS (50/35#) [June]31 reps of Power clean at 95/65# [July]31 reps of Sit-up [August]30 reps of Back squat at 95/65# [September]31 reps of HR Push-up [October]30 reps of Double under [November]31 reps of Thruster at 95/65# [December]Compare to Dec.31/19Neilson

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