Check out Heather B in this month's newsletter. So the Open is almost over. Then what? We have an amazing Bad Ass Rucking Class coming up next month. What’s rucking? It’s putting weight on your back and going for a walk. More weight or more miles equals more results, more friends and more time together equals more fun. And there may be some obstacles to overcome on the way. This Bad Ass Class will lead up to a 12-hour Team-based Endurance Event on June 2nd and a 5-hour event on June 3rd.Starts – April 17th at 7pm for 6 weeksRegister HERE**YOU WILL NEED A HEAVY DUTY BACKPACK/RUCK PACK TO PARTICIPATE**Are you looking to improve your overall strength and conditioning for the big lifts? Maybe put on some muscle mass (if you recently had an Inbody test done, maybe you are lacking here)? Or perhaps you would like to compete in powerlifting? Shane is going to run a 6 week Bad Ass Powerlifting Class twice a week on Thursday’s from 8-9pm and Sunday’s from 11-12am. These will be jam packed hour long classes along with homework that should be completed once a week.Starts April 12thRegister HEREPower Clean x210 sets building'Power Elizabeth'21-15-9 reps of:Power Cleans (135/95# or 65%)Ring dipsCompare to July 14/16