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CrossFit Moncton


May 19, 2016

Next Food Order!

A completely new menu for this week! These are full meals and they are DELICIOUS!!1. Salmon, dill, sweet potato cakes with a green bean arugula salad and a citrus vinaigrette2. BBQ chicken with a sweet potato bacon salad3. Curry turkey meat balls, zuccini noodles with a coconut curry sauceAll options are $15 and will be delivered next Wednesday.Power Snatch – Build up to a heavy triple20 Double Unders10 Power Snatch (95/65#/50-60%)20 Double Unders15 Snatch-Grip Deadlift20 Double Unders20 Power Snatch20 Double Unders15 Snatch-Grip Deadlift20 Double Unders10 Power Snatch*15 min capCompare to Sept.11/15Tips on using your hips in the kettlebell swing...[youtube=]

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