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CrossFit Moncton


January 17, 2017

Nutrition Challenge

The Open is coming up. And there's no better time to get your nutrition dialled in. Coach Amanda is spearheading this 10-week edition of the Lifestyle Improvement Event. There will be an info meeting for all participants THIS Thursday at 7pm at the gym. The challenge will start on Monday. *Only 20 spaces available.Power Clean x34 sets @ 75%AMRAP 4 Mins15 Wall Balls (20/14# @10')15 Box Jumps (24/20")Rest 2 minsAMRAP 4 Mins10 Power Cleans (115/85#/50-60%)30 Double UndersRest 2 minsAMRAP 4 Mins15 Wall Balls (20/14# @10')15 Box Jumps (24/20")Shane R

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