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CrossFit Moncton


March 16, 2014


There is a vast list of things that were awesome on Friday night. The support from the crowd. The sheer amount of deadlift PRs. The tenacity of the competing athletes.But you know the best part about 14.3 on Friday night? You all had a plan before you dove into the workout. And because of that, you're scores were reflective of your capacity.I want you to start thinking about that during every day workouts, not just competitions.Use today's WOD as an example. Could you do the first few rounds unbroken? Probably. But should you? Probably not. The push presses are light enough that they don't need to be broken up (they are also quick movements). The pull-ups are more demanding, so break them up before you need to. Let's say you want to get 13 rounds - that would be roughly 1:30min per round and 4 sec/movement (which is LOADS of time to get the work done).Start thinking about strategies, and you'll be surprised at how easy it becomes.Strength - Push Press 5RMAMRAP in 20 minutes of:12 Push Press (65/45#)10 Pull-upsCompare to Feb.8/13.[caption id="attachment_14857" align="alignnone" width="630"]

Mario has over 500 workouts (data points) under his belt!

Mario has over 500 workouts (data points) under his belt![/caption]

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