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CrossFit Moncton


June 19, 2012

Quality vs quantity

What's important to you? Getting a faster time? Or making each movement count?With the Hopper Event coming up, you'll have a judge assigned to you. They'll be watching every single rep you complete. If it doesn't meet the standards, it doesn't count. When you're working out in a class, there may be one or two coaches, but we can't see every rep. Do you make each one count? You should. Because when it comes time to compete, you'll need to show full range of motion.This is not meant to be a rant. I want you to improve. I want you to get a fast time. But I want you doing the movements as they are meant to be done. If the burpee needs you to be vertical with arms STRAIGHT overhead, then a bent hip and elbows at 90 degrees isn't going to cut it.Move well. Move fast. Get fit.4 rounds of:Run 400mRest 2 minutesPost time of each round to comments.Compare to April 13/11

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